Friday, 1 April 2016

April Fools!

For some reason i felt like writing this one. Below are 10 April fools jokes you can play on your fellow IT staff... because... why not? They're not in any particular order. Actually, that's not true. They're in the order i wrote them.

10. Swapping Keys on the Keyboard

Make their lives a little more difficult by swapping keys that are side by side. Swapping the "n" and "m" key are quite good as well as the "u" and "i" keys.

Don't swap keys like the QWERTY keys or the sequenced keys like 1 to 0 etc and you'll be fine. With any luck they'll lock an account and won't know why.

9. Turn it up LOUD!

If they tend to walk away with their computer unlocked, turn all of the volume sliders up on their PC. To send it over the top, turn their volume up on their speakers. Don't turn the volume up loud enough that you can hear the speakers without anything playing.

The next time they get an alert, it'll probably scare them half to death.

8. Rotate Their Desktop

This one is just plain annoying and that's what makes it funny. Open their display settings and rotate their desktops into portrait mode (or landscape if they're using portrait).

Keep your phone handy because it's likely they'll rotate their head to try and fix it because it's less of a pain in the ass than rotating their monitors.

If you want to get them back, you can do what i did and rotate your monitor(s) and leave it like that.... FOREVER. hahaha reverse BURN!

7. Fake Blue Screen of Death

Go here (on their computer), follow the instructions and thank me later.

6. Wireless Keyboard

Plug in a wireless transceiver into their computer and you can use your wireless keyboard while they're using their own keyboard. Imagine watching them trying to type their password while your pressing an extra key in the background. Randomly open windows explorer etc using shortcuts. Hours of fun for everyone! except the person being pranked.

5. Tape The Bottom Of The Mouse

Place some tape on the bottom of the mouse and watch as they're unable to move the cursor on the screen. If your the IT guy, prepare a second mouse as well.

When they inevitably ask you for help, you can give them the replacement mouse. Replace their current mouse with the mouse you prepared earlier and watch the confusion that unfolds. When they come back for help again, tell them to restart their computer.

4. Steal Their Speakers

Someone did this to me once. They disconnected my speakers and ran an extension through the wall (Yes, through the wall) and into their computer. Since we were both doing the same work we're used to hearing certain sounds during certain operations. But when you start hearing those sounds, when your not doing anything at all, you'll start investigating and spend hours trying to figure it out.

You can also start playing music through their speakers as well but it'll be really obvious that something is up.

3. Disconnect The Phone

Disconnect the phone handset from the back of their phone. They'll be able to answer the phone but won't be able to hear or speak to the other person on the other end of the call.

2. Tape an Air Horn Under Their Seat

Grab an air horn and some duct tape. tape the air horn under their seat. When they sit down, they'll jump straight up again.

1. Cover their Desk

Aluminium (or Aluminum) foil, cling wrap, post it notes hell, even wrapping paper can be used to cover someones desk. Cover everything in sight individually. Trust me, it'll look awesome when it's done.

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